Reverse Tab Nabbing Attack
what is reverse tab nabbing ?
Reverse tabnabbing is an attack where a page linked from the target page is able to rewrite that page, for example to replace it with a phishing site. As the user was originally on the correct page they are less likely to notice that it has been changed to a phishing site, especially if the site looks the same as the target.
If the user authenticates to this new page then their credentials or other sensitive data are sent to the phishing site rather than the legitimate one.
how the attack really works ?
step 1 : open any website and fill the credentials
step 2 : after signing into the website go to profile page and click to DOWNLOAD PDF .
step 3 : open profile page
then right click open the inspect. go to the console.
step 4 : after opening the console write command
opener.location=”https://<target’s URl>”
step 5 : press enter and see you will redirect into the target’s URL.